So what is the solution to sharing things, but not having to clog the feed of your friend's with just that?
It is actually something that is quite simple. People know that Facebook has a 'LIKE' button. Although it might be meant to simply show that you like the post, it proves to be one of the best solutions for the problem at hand.
When you hit the 'Like' button, the post gets shared to all your friends! HOW?
Have you noticed that you can see the posts, links, pictures, etc. that your friends have liked? Similarly, your friends see things that you like.
People might wonder, how is this any different from sharing. There are quite a few. Firstly, it is a whole lot faster because there is no pop-up and confirmation window that comes when you click the button. So when you read a post that you like on our page, just click like, and your friends will have a choice of reading it too.
The second advantage of using the like button to spread the word is, the posts saying that you like something is actually much smaller than when you share it. This may not affect you, but your friends will thank you for not spamming their news feed with just your 'shares'!
So does this mean we are discouraging you to share things?
Absolutely not! Sharing is good! In fact, when you know that a lot of people might like the post you should share it. Reason--There are a lot more details of the post when you share it. So say you find details of some kittens or pups for adoption on our page, if you share it, people will immediately get details about it.
So then when should people use the 'Like' button?
Say there are adoptions in a country where you don't know anyone. Hit the like button. Your friends can see it, and if they know someone from that particular place, then they can share it! On the other hand, if you see some post relevant to people in your list, share it!
So those were some tips on how to spread the word fast using Facebook! More tips and tricks tomorrow (for Twitter and Google)
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