Can you imagine, if seeing such pictures affects us so much, what would we do if we saw it happen in real? I know that most of you will say that you would have perhaps shouted out, called for help or done something else to stop such things. But is it always that easy? It is needless to say that it is not as simple as just walking into a police station and filing a complaint against the people. Many individuals think it is!
The focus of police in most developing countries is on stopping crime happening to people! Very few of them will even listen to you if you say there are a bunch of teenagers hurting a puppy or a kitten!
If you are lucky you might be able to get a complaint registered, but most probably, in most developing and under-developed places, you will not be as lucky! What can you do then?
This is where the local animal help organization comes in action! They take up your complaint, treat it as the most important thing (most of the times) and then try and find a way to help the animal!
A number of local organizations also focus on helping animals when it comes to getting the neutered or vaccinated or even adopted. Many of them also arrange for foster care homes till the little being has found a permanent new home.
Networking of such groups can be useful to the animals and the groups themselves. There are new shelters and animal help associations coming up everyday. They can learn and take guidance from bigger groups and organizations. This was one of the aims of starting NOAH. Different organizations would be able to network with similar organizations that have already attained a level of success.
Hopefully in another few years, people will learn to live a bit more harmoniously with animals! But till then, let's join hands and help them out!
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